
Various courses in sexual health are available. A few of these are listed below:

C-Card (RS01 and RS0B)

The C-Card scheme offers free condoms to young people up until their 26th birthday. 

They can sign up to the scheme and be issued with a key ring that has the C-Card sign on it, and are then able to access free condoms at various sites around Coventry using the keyring without having to answer lots of questions.

These sites include ISHS at the City of Coventry Health Centre; Universities; colleges; schools; and pharmacies that are signed up to the scheme.

The RSO1 and RSOB training is called ‘Train the Trainer’, whereby our outreach team train staff at the venues to be able to sign young people up to the C-Card scheme.

Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) - Emergency Contraception

This course can be undertaken by Pharmacists within Coventry wishing to deliver Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC) under the sub-contract. 

This learning is to ensure that they have a high level of understanding of EHC to enable a confident and competent delivery of EHC for young people within the community. 

On completion of the CPPE Pharmacists then submit their declaration of competence. Once all aspects of the sub-contracts are achieved Pharmacies can then safely deliver EHC.


STIF Course

These are courses in Sexual Health run by the British Association of Sexual Health & HIV, and can be accessed via

Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Health Diploma (DFSRH)

This department (ISHS) offers some training in conjunction with the DFSRH as we have Faculty approved trained Doctors, and many GP’s around Coventry have received their contraception training via this route.

A diploma is awarded by the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Health on completion of the course. Details can be accessed via