Sexual Assault
Sexual assault can be a frightening and distressing experience.
There are various services that can offer you help, and you may already have been seen by another organisation such as: Blue Sky Centre (Sexual Assault Referral Centre), Coventry Rape and Sexual Assault Centre (CRASAC) or the Police.
You may be at risk of a sexually transmitted infection or pregnancy following your assault and it is recommended that you seek medical advice as soon as possible, irrespective of whether you want to report the rape or not.
Our Integrated Sexual Health service based at the City of Coventry Health Centre is a free, confidential and friendly service. You can see us directly, without being referred from another organisation.
We can offer you medical care (screening and treatment) for sexually transmitted infections; emergency contraception; post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV; Hepatitis B vaccination; and also help you get the support and referral to other organisations you may need, such as CRASAC for emotional support, or the Blue Sky Centre.
What will happen when you come and see us
When you call, or drop in to see us we will:
- offer you a confidential and friendly service;
- treat you with respect;
- not judge you;
- support you in making choices about your sexual health;
- offer a suitable appointment as soon as possible;
- offer you an experienced health professional with a choice of gender, where possible (please let us know when you contact us if you have any gender preference).
On arrival
Please report to Reception, where we will register you. You will then be offered the opportunity to wait in a quiet room or in the main waiting area. The doctor or nurse will then call you and take you into a consultation room.
Please allow two hours for your visit to our clinic. You may wish to bring your friend, family member or representative from other services you may have attended.
Any decisions surrounding your care will be made with you.
Your consultation
Your consultation may involve asking sensitive and personal questions, including details of the assault, in order to provide appropriate care. We understand that it can be emotional and distressing to answer some of the questions so please let the clinician know if you do not want to answer them.
The clinician will explain the nature of an examination (an examination may not always be needed) and tests. Tests and examinations will always be done with your consent.
For women – This may consist of examination of your genital area (it may include speculum examination, like when you have a smear), back passage, throat and other parts of the body as appropriate. Tests are done using swabs to look for any infections.
For men – This may consist of examination of the penis, scrotum, rectum (back passage), throat and other parts of the body as appropriate. The examination and tests are not painful but you may experience some discomfort.
The tests carried out are no different to a routine sexual health screen, except we may need to take an additional Chlamydia swab in line with national guidelines. Test that may be carried out are:
- blood tests for HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C;
- swab tests for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Trichomonas Vaginalis, Candida and Bacterial Vaginosis.
Other tests may be required, and the clinician will explain them to you.
The clinician will discuss with you any treatment needed. for example, post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV; a Hepatitis B vaccination; emergency contraception follow-up; and whether you need any help or referral to other organisations.
If we have requested any preliminary test results you will be asked to go back to the waiting area or room for a short while and will be called back into the consultation room to discuss the results.
We will inform you how we will communicate with you regarding the results of the tests you have undergone, this is usually by a text message.
Your follow-up plan
We may need to see you again, and the clinician will discuss with you the follow up arrangements.
A follow up visit usually occurs two weeks after your first consultation. This is to repeat some of the tests,if the initial tests were done within two weeks of your assault.
Blood tests may need repeating one to three months after your assault.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to ask the clinician who saw you, they will be happy to help.
Useful contacts:
Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (CRASAC)
Tel: 024 7627 7777
Blue Sky Centre
A Sexual Assault and Referral Centre for women, men and children
Tel: 024 7686 5505
Safe lives
Support for people who have experienced domestic violence.
Tel: 020 7922 7891
Survivors UK
Support for men who have been abused.
Rape Crisis
Support for women and girls who have been abused.
Support for children and adults with learning disabilities who have experienced abuse or trauma.
Tel: 0808 080700
West Midlands Paediatric Sexual Assault Service
One stop service for victims up to age 17 who have been sexually assaulted
Tel: 0800 953 4133 for self-referrals
Tel: 0800 953 4131 for referrals from professionals or agencies