C-Card and Chlamydia Screening
The C Card scheme offers free condoms to young people from the age of 13 until their 26th birthday and free Chlamydia Screening for 15-24 year olds. With an aim to ensure that all young people have equal access to free condoms and advice making sure that they are prepared properly when they decide to become sexually active.
How to join the C-Card Scheme:
You need to go to one of the C-Card registration venues - check out Where can I go? for your nearest venue and put your post code/street name in the search tab and click “Find Service”.
These sites include ISHS at the City of Coventry Health Centre; Universities; colleges; schools; and pharmacies that are signed up to the scheme.
Those that sign up to the scheme are issued with a key ring that has the C Card sign on it and a unique code that identifies that the keyring belongs to them.
You are then able to access free condoms at various sites around Coventry using the keyring without having to answer lots of questions.
Users of the C Card scheme aged between 13 and 18 are required to have a safe and well conversation prior to sign up. This is to make sure that there are no concerns for your safety or the safety of others.
Training is also provided on how use condoms safely and advice on where to access other service such as STI screening and regular contraception.
They will also need to agree to attend update sessions every 4 to 10 visits to ensure that all is safe and well.
Free and confidential Chlamydia screening and treatment is also available for under 25's in Coventry. A postal kit can be ordered via free test me.
Chlamydia testing and C Card services are also available through:
- School Nursing services
- GP surgeries
- Designated pharmacies