Abortion is when a pregnancy is ended so that it doesn't result in the birth of a child. Sometimes it is called 'termination of pregnancy'.
There are two types of abortion treatment: 'Medical', and 'Surgical'.
Some women feel that a medical abortion is a more natural process.
This may involve taking medication to cause an early miscarriage (women experience cramping, pain and heavy bleeding) or to cause the womb to contract and push out the pregnancy.
This medication can be taken at up to 10-24 weeks gestation.
This process may also require up to two visits.
The pregnancy is removed under local or general anaesthetic (sometime with sedation) depending on gestation of the foetus.
This usually requires only one visit, and is suitable until up to 15-24 weeks gestation.
BPAS are the UK's leading abortion care service.
Services provided by BPAS include:
BPAS also provides telephone consultations in addition to clinic based services at:
Patients can book appointments by calling 03457 304030.
Telephone consultation appointments can be booked online at www.bpasapps.org
Online booking and telephone consultation is not available for women who require the service of a translator-if this applies the patient should ring the telephone number above.
BPAS provide a variety of free patient literature which can be viewed and ordered directly from www.bpas.org
British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS)
Oasis Health Care
West Midlands
(See on Google Maps)
Telephone: 03457 304030
Website: www.bpas.org
Only in some cases may the doctor feel it necessary to obtain guardian consent, depending on the situation.
You do not need to get consent from the father of the child, though you may want to talk to him when you think about what you want to do.